Hope for kids

Searching for a way to instil hope in your children and help them get through difficult and stressful times? As adults we are responsible for providing children with a sense of safety and optimism. It’s natural to want to shield your children from stress and trauma. The problem is children are aware of what’s going on around them. Unfortunately kids soak up the tension or sadness of the household. The good news is child development research supports the premise that hope is innate. So it’s our job to help children hold onto hope. Instilling hope in children helps them gain a positive outlook on life and self, improves self esteem and gives them courage to face problems.

I decided to add a section on hope for kids into my Hope Challenge ebook after a series of natural disasters occurred in Queensland. With floods, inland tsunamis and cyclones battering the state people where asking what was the best way to get their children through the devastation of losing their homes and schools. My goal was to provide exercises that allow children to explore worries and concerns without letting children dwell on the negative aspects of their life and teach children that even in the worst of times hope is possible.

For an inspiring example of children’s ability to hold onto hope take a look at the following news report.


How do you help your children stay positive?