Trap of conditional happiness

It’s easy to get entrapped by the web of conditional happiness. We all need goals and dreams but we can’t make our happiness conditional on reaching those goals. For instance saying –

I will be happy when:-

I find the right job

I find the right partner

My children get jobs

When the sun shines

When the rain comes

This type of thinking prevents you from seeing the happiness you are capable of experiencing now. You don’t have to wait until all your dreams come true to find a sense of contentment. Step out of the trap of conditional happiness by making choices about the way you evaluate your current circumstances. For instance-

Decide I am happy because:-

I have options

I can stand on my own

My children are looking for work

The rain is good for the garden

I’m going to enjoy the fine weather while it lasts.

You are not trapped. You always have choices.

You can be happy when… Or find a way to be happy now.

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