It’s not all positive all the time

Even though this blog is called hope challenge it isn’t about minimizing the struggles and painful events. It isn’t about ignoring the negatives in your life or acting as if they don’t exist. Its normal and healthy to acknowledge negative events and situations. No matter how optimistic and hopeful you are not everything has to by all positive all the time. The reason I’m pointing this out is because I recently read a book about positive thinking. In one of the chapters it talked about turning a visit to the dentist into a positive. “A trip to the dentist is a chance for new insights e.g. I’m lucky to have teeth. Life without them would be less pleasurable. Without the pain of the drill my teeth would fall out.”

That is what I don’t mean.  You’re allowed to feel lousy about having to go to the dentist. It’s just about putting it in perspective e.g. I’m not gunna like about an hour of my day but I’m going to try not to let it ruin the other twenty three.

Give yourself permission to acknowledge the negatives and acknowledge the consequences. To be mad or sad or whatever you need to be. But try not to let it be all you see.

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